Shelter Fest Seattle

A two-day online music festival supporting local Black artists and restaurant owners during the pandemic.

Project Overview

“Shelter Fest” was a 2 day online music festival put together by Seattle based production company “Bad Habit Media”. The goal of the festival was to raise funds for the Seattle Artist Relief Fund and provide direct financial support to Black artists and restaurant owners in the Seattle region.

The festival was streamed directly to KEXP’s YouTube channel on November 14 and 15, 2020.

Shelter Fest Seattle directed over $20.7k to local Black artists, Black-owned restaurants, and the Seattle Artist Relief fund! In total, both days of Shelter Fest received over 16.8k views and over 527k impressions.


My music platform “SIGNL” teamed up with “Bad Habit Media” to provide financial sponsorship and a studio base to manage the live broadcast from.

  • Financial sponsorship to ensure all featured artists were paid for their performances.

  • Provided studio base for the crew to manage the live broadcast stream.

  • Vision mixer for the live broadcast to KEXP’s YouTube channel.

The Shelter Fest crew running the live broadcast from SIGNL’s HQ.


The Long Way South